Friday, January 24, 2014

Divination and Angels

According to Merriam and Webster, divination is defined as the practice of using signs (such as an arrangement of tea leaves or cards) or special powers to predict the future.  Divination includes things like astrology, numerology, talismans, tarot readings and in a way alchemy.  In a literary sense, I have always enjoyed connecting the divine, such as God and angels, to divination such as astrology and alchemy.  In many of my books I use these two types of divination as a reoccurring theme.  In the Elemental Angels Series, many angels are named after the 12 zodiacs and in the Angelic Heroes Trilogy, alchemy is an important part of the story.  When you think about it, divination is meant to see into the future and it's very similar to religion in the way that religion foresees future events such as in the bible there are many prophecies.  I'm not saying that I am a believer in divination, but I certainly enjoy using it in my work.

One book that inspired me since I was in high school is The Book of Divination by Ann Fiery.  I enjoy the pictures and the author's depth of understanding different types of divination.

Picture Source: Pinterest

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